Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Friend in need, a friend indeed!

A few years ago, I was contacted out of the blue by a young man whom I have never spoken to before. He had recieved my name thru a mutual friend who thought I may be of assistance. Technical advice, or an extra mind to help Muttle through a boatload of information.

With so many questions and new ideas Andy had unleashed an inner spark inside me, even after it had gone dark,or so I thought. He has continued to keep me on my toes with the latest and greatest, and for that I am so thankful to have such a wonderful mind on my side.

Two heads are always better than one!
Everyone, Meet Andy,  Mr. Samplawski,  my friend:
He is a bit of a goofball.... always doing 'crazy' things to bring out a smile.

If you hadn't guessed it, Andy is a photographer.  It has been so much fun, and exciting to watch him grow, and learn -- like everyone else in this business.  Kuddo's to you Sr. of Samplawski Photography

He decided to turn his lens on me.  AAAHHHHHH!!!  You don't understand, I am behind the camera for a reason.  On the flip side of that thought, I was well overdue for a few updated pictures. It has been so many years since I had 'professional' pictures taken; what should I wear, who am I now?  Aside from the wife to (1), mother to (8) I can only claim 4 of my own, and a photographer...
I am...me

I grew up on these tracks.  They bring me comfort, like a pair of evening sweat pants.
**no trains were harmed during our session

I believe we both walked away feeling a bit more confident and a whole lotta insight!
THANK YOU Andy, You Rock! go check out his website here


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