Tuesday, April 3, 2012

All things new and beautiful

Because it's the little things that make me smile.  The surprise element each spring, after the frost has cleared, these delicate beauties push their way through dried leaves & mulch just to open up and say "hi"

Now the Sun is shining, the weather is warming-- I think?  I am constantly denying my inside duties & running outside (sometimes several times a day) to see what new fauna is showing in my back yard.  (I'm the adventurous kind ;-)

Like a child at Christmas time, I become giddy with delight-- esecially as a new plant appears from hibernation. And as a busy mom, I can be a wee bit pre-occupied, sometimes ;-)  I forget from year to year exactly what it was I planted, then it surprises me and says "hi"

These mighties are the first to arrive every year, yet they continuously catch me off-guard. 
They stand at just 3 inches tall, it truly is the little things that count. 

Very soon, my entire living room will be bathed in bright fuschia (not my paint color selection)
And it too makes me smile. 

New for 2012
TSP is offering Garden Sessions.
Capture your garden from beginning of spring to the end of fall ~ or anything in between.
Don't let those colors fade, capture it and store it away for a rainy day. 
~~ Message me for details ~~


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