Fabulous 5
As promised a give away. WHY?? Because I appreciate you. My fans.
I wasn't sure exactly what to give, but I thought I'd share a few of my favorites. My go-to's, can't live without~It could spell a 'bad' day if I didn't have these simple necessities at my disposal 100% of the time~Even if I don't really need it~I better have it just in case kind of thing!! WHEW!
How it works: I will pick 5 random numbers assigned to each of you from my TellaStory Photography Fan Page. If you match the number selected, YOU WIN! No purchase necessary. Out of privacy & respect for everyone involved, I will not give full disclosure of the winners. I will notify my lucky 5 on an individual basis to set up delivery of their goods..
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for sticking it out and 'listening' to all my crazy post on FB! Rest assure it's been a great ride & I don't ever want to get off!
1. Oreo's -- for my midnight edit sessions & sweet tooth indulgence.~milk not included
2. 3M- Velcro strips. These come in handy with my zany need to constantly change my wall collages.
3. Ghiradelli Chocolate Squares - w/caramel. For those times when I need to 'disappear'-- even if it's short lived.
4. Melting Scent Pots. A good smelling house is a 'happy' house!
5. Hot Tamales. These are ALWAYS in my pocket. I'm slightly addicted- all day long.

You caught me red-handed! Full disclosure of my top 5 ultra favorite super duper can't live with outs ~ Good Luck!
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