Reduce. Reuse. Upcycle
My lifestyle has always been on the thrifty side. Some may call it cheap, I prefer economical.
I'm so thankful that I only have to shop walmart/target once few weeks, but those bags in excess tend to really bother me. Although these consumer baggies are so useful in so many other ways -- they are not made like they used to & I find they rip more easily leading it straight to the trash upon arrival at home.
These plastics although a rather convenient way to port our food/goods home; fill our precious land and oceans with litter. I am definately not perfect in the eco-friendly department; but I try my hardest to play a small part. One baggie at a time.
As I was clearing out my craft room; there is a bottom to the pit!! I stumbled upon a rainy day 'to-do' project that has been buried by the years of busy. I've rekindled the project -- and I couldn't be happier with the results.
Reusable bags T-shirt bags -- super reinforced along the bottom edge -maybe not guaranteed NOT to rip, but I can fix it right??
I hope to fulfill my ecofriendly role, as long as long as I can remember to bring these home-made carry-alls on our shopping adventures.... that's another area of life that may need a little work ~~ the memory.

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