Periodically I prefer to take small 'breaks' from all household task & take some time to enjoy those that surround me everyday. Okay. I admit, everyday is kid day at my house; and when I say breaks, I really mean 30 minute blocks of time. THEN my feet are running again!
This winter however, I mentally entered with a whole new mindset. I am REALLY enjoying my 'down' time; at the same moment, I'm gearing up for a fabulous 2013 Season!
The spring/summer/fall calender is beginning to look like a mega color codded connect the dot chart ~ and I love it! Rest assured, I am still keeping busy with the behind the scenes projects, as I continue serving my 2012 client family. While I work 'normal' hours this time of season~ I encourage you to relax and take some time for yourself, YOU DESERVE IT!
What I wish I was doing right now:
What is REALLY going down at the office.
Women are proven multi-taskers; if you are female origin, you may relate when I state: Most days I juggle 10-20 thought/projects & kids in a single split second! It's no wonder by the end of the day, I feel as if I have been twirled around a tornado and spit out in time for bed!!! Most evenings I don't remember my head hitting the pillow.
Among tending to children, maintaining a home, attending to my hobbies-- I have been diligently designing some really cool albums! I admit, this is my favorite part of the whole photography process ~~ C-R-E-A-T-I-O-N ~~ pulling all the little pieces together to make it work as a whole picture.
I especially love when my clients have the utmost confidence in me, and give me free reign on album design since I {quote} "am the expert" ~THANK YOU! Here is just a small fraction of an album ~
Tough Rigid pages ensure there will be no wrinkles over time. This partcular album is covered with printed silk. I promoise there are too many options to list them all here. {repeat: small sampling}

This is a quick visual summary of D&D's wedding day; they were pretty awesome!
Each wedding is unique and so is the album. Every page is custom designed to compliment your day.
"Why Should we have our images put into an album??" "All I want is the CD so I can make prints."
If you find yourself saying any of the lines above, my response is: you still need an album.
Albums includes a collection, visual summary of your day all bound together, and printed neatly in a book. Tangible, good old fashioned book. {maybe not old fashion}
As a photographer, I shoot for "my style". I love details, all the little things, faces, moments that may otherwise go unnoticed. I snap a few cool pictures & deliver them in style. A tangible Album.
I also say, go ahead, make those prints from your CD. By the time you print all 1200 or more images, I'm no mathmaticion, but it's expensive and adds up quickly. You may widdle the list down to 100 of your favorites. I will shout from the roof top ~ Beware of the printing Kiosks. Not all printers are calibrated the same, which could lead to some funky coloring of your image. You need an album. You may have a little peace of mind knowing your album prints will have utmost quality designed to eflect your day ~ as you remembered it.
Finally my last objection on why you need an album. If you had something this cool, why wouldn't you look at it, over & over. Or every 6 months -? You decide, but your wedding day is a very important day, I couldn't think of a better way to preserve your memory ~ let's face it, YES, it will fade over time.
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